Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Easy Answers....

Q: What is test plan? When will prepare in testing life cycle? What are its contents?give me example of test plan?
A: Test plan is a detail project plan which covers the following -1 Scope 2- Methodology 3-Requirements 4-criteria for passes fail 5-Schedule. after SRS we will makes test plan,

Q: What difference you have observed while testing the Clint/Server and web server application ?
A: client server application is 2tier architecture, here client server/database will be there but web server is 3tier architecture here client/web server/database will be there.

Q: What is the difference between Master Test Plan and Test Plan? Do we really require two Test Plans? Please explain in detail?
A: Sometimes for a large project the organization may have a Matser teat plan and for phase testing efforts level test plans which are the subsets derived in MTP, having references to MTP

The Master Test Plan explains the methods, procedures, and approach that the co. employs in the verification and validation of an internally developed, Third Party Vendor, or Third Party Vendor Modified application or product.

The purpose of the Test Plan is to gather all of the information necessary to plan and control the test effort for a given iteration. It describes the approach to testing the software, and is the top-level plan generated and used by managers to direct the test effort.

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